For children


“Dans ma cuisine!” Activity booklet

This activity booklet was designed for the Dans ma cuisine: Les mathématiques et l’informatique se mettent à table (“In my…

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Aerospace activity booklets

These booklets were created for the Air and Space Museum (Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace) at Le Bourget…

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“Étonnant explorateur!” Activity booklet

Created for the musée des Arts et Métiers, a museum of technological innovation in Paris, this booklet presents an…

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Educational illustrations for the MERITE Project

This series of illustrations was created for the MERITE Project produced by IMT Atlantique engineering school. The project is…

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“Escape! Mission paléontologie: enquête à la galerie”

These illustrations were created for the “Escape! Mission paléontologie: enquête à la galerie” activity book, published on October 2,…

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